Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

03/02/2025 Crossing the Jordan River (Joshua 1; 3-4)

In Joshua 1, we learn the Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land following the death of Moses. God spoke directly to Joshua, commissioning him as the new leader of His people. The Lord commanded Joshua three times to be strong and courageous as he was about to guide the Israelites across the Jordan River.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

02/23/2025 Moses’ Farewell (Deuteronomy 31–34)

As we read of Moses’ passing the baton to his successor, we must recognize the goodness of God in sending an even greater Leader to shepherd God’s people for all eternity: Jesus Christ. While Moses could not lead the Israelites into the land, Jesus fulfilled every requirement as a good and faithful servant of the Lord, therefore leading us into the eternal promise of His kingdom. Ask God to soften the hearts of kids in your family, that they may glean these great gospel truths as you faithfully teach this passage. May they see the faithful kindness of the loving God who desires to dwell with them not only today, but for all eternity.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

02/16/2025 The People Complained (Numbers 16; 20–21)

Moses interceded for the people, and God miraculously provided them rescue. By looking at the bronze snake mounted on a pole, the people would recover. This was a glimmer of the eternal salvation that would one day come through the Son of God lifted up on the cross. Though the Israelites did not deserve this rescue, God saved them by His grace. Likewise, the Son of Man lifted up on the cross provided a once-and-for-all sacrifice for those who look to Him for salvation. Pray for the kids in your family to sees God’s gracious provision, that they would put their confidence in Christ for salvation.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

02/09/2025 The People Doubted (Numbers 13–14)

After Israel left Sinai, God led them through the wilderness to the land He had promised Abraham. God was faithful to keep His promise and brought His people to spy out the land He was going to give them. Moses chose twelve men, one from each tribe of Israel, to see if the land was good and to bring a report back to the people. Rather than focus on the good land God was giving them, they gave a negative report about the land based on the people living there. They focused their mind on the strength of the people rather than the promises of God.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

02/02/2025 The People Grumbled (Numbers 11–12)

Grumbling shows that we sometimes forget how kind and good God is to us. Even when we grumble, God lovingly cares for us and provides everything we need. When things are hard or not how we wish, we can trust that God knows what’s best for us. Instead of grumbling, we can remember His goodness, thank Him for His care, and ask Him to help us have a thankful heart.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

01/26/2025 Worship at the Tabernacle (Leviticus 16; 19; 26)

Anyone who trusts in Jesus can experience the hope and joy of being made new and living as part of God’s family. The Day of Atonement pointed to this incredible gift, and through Jesus, we can always celebrate God’s love and grace. Isn’t it amazing how much He cares for us?

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

01/19/2025 Building the Tabernacle (Exodus 35–40)

Today, though we gather at local churches to worship God and commune with fellow believers, it is not in physical structures where God dwells among His people. Instead, those who are in Christ receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. Jesus tells us in John 16:7 that the gift of the Holy Spirit is greater than His physical presence was as He walked among His disciples! Pray for the Lord to prompt the kids in your family to heed His call of salvation, that He would dwell within them as their Lord. May we read of the tabernacle’s splendor and respond, not out of obligation, but in awe of the closeness and kindness of our Lord.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

01/12/2025 The Golden Calf (Exodus 32; 34)

An idol is anything we worship in the place of God. Unfortunately, the Israelites wrongly believed they needed a new god to go before them since Moses’ absence left them doubting if he would return and worried about who would lead them. How ironic it was that they sought to dethrone God while claiming to throw a festival in His honor (Exodus 32:5). Their impatient uncertainty led them to replace God’s sovereign plans and rightful worship with this golden god of their own creation.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

01/05/2025 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19–20; 31)

The giving of the law was never the end goal; it was always God’s plan to redeem a people for Himself through the death and resurrection of His Son. Help the kids in your family see that because they cannot measure up to the law’s requirements, our hope rests in Christ alone. Lead them to see God’s greatness and what He has done to offer them salvation.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

12/15/2024 Moses Parted the Red Sea (Exodus 13–15)

The parting of the Red Sea is an incredible accounts in Scripture. After God freed His people through the events of the Passover, He performed this amazing miracle to deliver them from danger and secure their hearts in worship to Him alone. In this passage, we see glimmers of an even greater miracle––the salvation of God’s people, once and for all time, through Christ’s miraculous sacrifice on our behalf.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

12/08/2024 Moses Confronted Pharaoh (Exodus 5–12)

God repeated His covenant promises and reminded His people that He would be faithful to deliver them from Egypt and bring them to the land of promise. Through the suffering of slavery and desolation of the plagues, God’s people waited. And upon hearing God’s Passover instructions, they did as He commanded.  

Consider Moses’ difficulties in confronting Pharaoh, a man of great prestige. Then, reflect on the grace and mercy of God who reigns in sovereign power. Though it appeared impossible, God made good on His promises.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

12/01/2024 God Called Moses (Exodus 1–4)

While Moses would not flawlessly follow God nor perfectly trust in His promises, God promised to provide Moses with help and demonstrate His power. Moses was aware of his own shortcomings as a leader, yet God still used him mightily to rescue the Israelites.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

11/24/2024 The Suffering of Job (Job) 

Although God allowed Job to suffer, His hand was there to guide him, and His comfort remained by his side. What we glean from Job’s story is that God’s righteousness is so much greater than our own, that He is worthy of worship despite our circumstances. In 2 Corinthians 4:17, Paul declared that “our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory.” 

There is only one truly righteous person who suffered unjustly: Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Help kids see that God is good, and His full worthiness is displayed in Jesus, the only truly righteous One. By faith in His finished work on the cross, we are counted as righteous and granted eternal hope. Pray that your kids will experience God's goodness and place their faith in Him alone.

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Merlene Steib Merlene Steib

11/17/2024 Joseph Taken to Egypt (Genesis 37; 39-46; 50)

At the closing of Genesis, Joseph—in the aftermath of slavery, famine, and injustice—declares that God used his brothers’ evil plans to bring about flourishing for His people. Joseph extended words of comfort, courage, and kindness his brothers did not deserve. 

In Christ, we receive an even greater gift—everlasting life, the undeserved bestowal of immeasurable peace, courage, and kindness. Christ experienced injustice and suffering on our behalf so that we might gain eternal life and redemption. As faithful to God as Joseph was, Jesus is even more faithful, forever renowned as the suffering Servant who takes away our sin. Pray for your kids to place their faith in the One who redeems our sins and suffering for His glory and our good.

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Thom Walker Thom Walker

11/10/2024 Jacob Fled from Canaan (Genesis 28; 32)

In today’s passage, God continued His faithfulness to Abraham by extending kindness to Jacob amidst a time of great turmoil. God promised to bless Jacob, be with him, watch over him, and never leave him until His faithful promises had been fulfilled. Jacob found himself at a crossroads, seemingly alone, and was tasked with finding a wife in accordance with God’s plan to bless their family.

What can we learn from Jacob’s time of trial and his wrestling with God? How can this help us when we are suffering or wrestling with God ourselves?

After receiving his father’s blessing, Jacob was instructed by his mother and father to flee Esau’s wrath and find a wife. While on the run, God visited Jacob in a dream by which He confirmed the promises He had made to Abraham. Even in Jacob's sinfulness, God's faithful lovingkindness was shown to him as God declared that His covenantal promises would continue through Jacob's family. Then, Jacob made a vow, just as God had made one to him: “If God remains with me, watches over me, provides for me, and returns me safely as He says He will, then He will be my God.”

Later in chapter 32, we see the next phase of Jacob’s journey with God, as he wrestled with Him unknowingly. Jacob said to the man, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” The man—whom we know to be God—changed Jacob’s name from that of a deceiver to “Israel” Israel, meaning “He Sstruggled with God.” Despite Jacob's struggles with God, he prevailed and was blessed by Him. In the end, Jacob realized that God spared his life in this encounter. By grace, he was granted a new name and identity and was able to return home.

Today, we come to a similar crossroads as we wrestle with the role Jesus deserves in our lives as Savior and Lord. Those who surrender to Him by faith can, like Israel, experience new life in He who redeems and restores sinners, bringing them into His family forever. No longer are we bound by our old selves but given a new identity in Jesus.

Ask God to reveal to your kids the reality of the new life He offers in Jesus. Though we may not always understand His ways, God gives us grace as we come to surrender to His will for our lives. May His truth become clear in their hearts and minds as you teach them about His love.

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Thom Walker Thom Walker

11/3/2024 Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25; 27)

The story of God’s faithfulness to Abraham continues as we venture into the lives of Jacob and Esau in Genesis 25 and 27. Isaac prayed that God would bless their family with an heir, and God responded. We witness God's sovereignty in the lives of brothers Jacob and Esau as God's promises are fulfilled.

Earlier in Genesis 25, God revealed to Rebekah that she had conceived twins, and that in the end, the older would serve the younger. Before either had done good or bad, God chose Jacob to become the nation of Israel. (Rom. 9:10-11) In His kingdom, the ways and logic of the world do not prevail; God destined Jacob to be the one whose lineage would one day bring us the promised Savior, Jesus.

God’s ways came to pass in accordance with His own wisdom and will. Isaac blessed Jacob as an act of passing on the covenant of his father Abraham. Nothing could intercept God’s promise to bless Abraham’s family through Jacob; in the opposite way, no scheming on behalf of this family could interfere with this blessing being passed down to the younger son.

Each member of Isaac’s family had to trust, by faith, that God’s ways were best, however confusing His plans seemed. In the end, God’s plan to provide the way to redeem and restore mankind through the lineage of Jacob would be accomplished. Just as Isaac, Rebekah, and Jacob and even Esau had to surrender to God’s plans by faith, so, to do we surrender to God’s plan of restoring all things through His Son, Jesus. In Him, we receive the birthright promised to Abraham in its greatest and fullest measure, as God has “blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3).

True salvation comes to all who place their trust in Jesus. Pray that your children, whose hearts have been entrusted to you, would hear of God’s sovereign goodness and surrender their lives to His will. May they place their trust in Him and receive the ultimate gift of everlasting life through His Son, Jesus.

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