Annual Reports

Giving Online


Enter your personal information (first time only. Other times you will simply sign in).

All of this information will be secure and will not be used for any other purposes.


Determine your gift amount and schedule the frequency of giving as one-time or recurring. The schedule or amount can be changed, adjusted, or canceled at any time.


Select your Method of Payment. There are options for ACH, debit, or credit card payments. From there, enter your card or bank information.

Thank you for your contribution* which is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. While every effort will be made to apply your gift according to the indicated preference, if any, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa has complete discretion and control over the use of the donated funds.

*No goods or services have been received in exchange for these gifts, other than intangible religious benefits.

Looking For More Help?

Our Accounting Team is a great resource! Call their offices during business hours at 714-979-4422.

Giving FAQs

  • What is Pushpay?

    Pushpay is our online giving platform that allows you to give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

  • Is online giving safe?

    Our provider, Pushpay, has been built with security at its core. Their primary concern is ensuring all data is kept safe and our systems remain robust, reliable, and usable. You can look more into their security measures here.

  • Will my online gifts be included on my statement of contributions?

    Yes, they will be included and mailed to you at the end of the year. To update your mailing address, fill out our update form.

  • How do I view my giving?

    If you have only given through Pushpay, you can log into Pushpay here. Once logged in, you can view and edit your giving and update your payment method and account information. If you have given through Easytithe, or you have any other questions about viewing your giving, please feel free to contact us at or call during business hours at 714-979-4422.

  • Can I make a contribution via check or cash?

    Yes! You may visit our church office during business hours or give of your tithes and offering during our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services or mail in your checks to our office at 3800 S. Fairview St., Santa Ana, CA 92704.

  • What is the deadline for annual contributions?

    Cash contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31 to be included on your giving statement for that year. Online transactions must be initiated by December 31.

  • Can I give toward the relief efforts in Ukraine?

    Yes! Select "Emergency Relief Fund" from the drop-down menu on