Our Vision
We seek to be a Jesus Formed Community on Mission, pursuing formation in the words, ways, and works of Jesus and living out his mission in community.
As we give ourselves to the diligent pursuit of being more and more conformed into the image of Jesus and living more and more in the center of his will, we believe we’ll see that God is indeed at work in our lives personally, in our church community collectively, and in our cities, state, nation, and out to the very ends of the earth.
To help reach our vision, we’ve instituted five pillars— formation, community, mission, gatherings, and care. These core values help us carry out more effective opportunities for ministry. They have become helpful tools as we seek to invest time and resources in our desire to be a Jesus Formed Community seeking to live missionally.
While the methodology is new, our mission is still the same: we believe first and foremost that every Christian is called to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, so we give a high priority to being formed by the words, works, and ways of Jesus in all our gatherings.
We believe that disciples are not supposed to do this following-Jesus business alone but in deep community with others where deep trust, love, and maturity can take place as we deeply care for one another.
Finally, we believe that the good news of Jesus is the true story of the world. We want to see this story shared with everyone so that they also may know the truth about God—his deep love and purpose for them—and that their true identity, belonging, and purpose are found in and through God. That is the church’s mission.
Our Ministries
Our ministries are contained in our five pillars of formation, community, mission, gatherings, and care.