Robert and Betsy Bradshaw
The Bradshaws are serving through Bible translations: assisting and training Papua New Guineans in translating the Bible into their own language, and in literacy and Scripture use efforts to enable them to read/use the translated Scriptures and other materials produced in their language, that lives might be changed for the glory of God; consulting with and helping other translators in the grammatical analysis of the languages in which they are conducting Scripture translation as well as training and mentoring linguistics consultants.
Prayer Request: Pray that more Doromu-Koki people would read (print version) and/or listen (audio version) to their New Testaments daily (dedicated September 2018), and grow in their faith and walk with him; that they would also make use of the Jesus Film and Scripture app, and be opened to ongoing Scripture use activities; that the recently published dictionary (in print, website, and phone app formats) would be a further means of promoting language use.