We will be spending this whole year studying the Gospel of Mark as a church community. We will seek to go further up and further in as we unpack one of the earliest Gospels together.

Read Along

January 19–Mark 1:1

January 26–Mark 1:1–15 

February 2–Mark 1:16–20, 2:13–17

February 9–Mark 1:21–45 

February 16–Mark 1:29–39 

February 23–Mark 2:1–12 

March 2–Mark 2:13–17 

March 9–Mark 2:18–22

March 16–Mark 2:23–3:6 

March 23–Mark 2:23–3:6 

March 30–Mark 3:7–35

April 6–Mark 4:1–34 

April 13–Mark 4:35–41 

April 20–Easter Sunday

April 27–Mark 5:1–20 

May 4–Mark 5:21–43

Recommended Resources
Available in the Chapel Store

  • N. T. Wright–Mark for Everyone

    Tom Wright's eye-opening comments on the Gospel of Mark and what it might mean for us are combined, passage-by-passage, with his fresh translation of the Bible text. Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Wright captures the urgency and excitement of Mark's Gospel in a way few writers have.

  • Rebecca McLaughlin–Exploring the Earliest Gospel

    Let Rebecca McLaughlin and her daughters guide your kids through the Gospel of Mark. This adult-child collaboration will help children see themselves not just as passive recipients of teaching from grown-ups, but active participants who can engage with the Bible for themselves. Through 66 days of fun and fast-paced study, your kids will understand more of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. 

Study The Whole Bible

Study The Whole Bible

Throughout 2024, Pastor Char Brodersen and Pastor Brian Brodersen embarked on a comprehensive yearlong study looking at the major themes found in the Bible. We encourage you to explore this teaching series on the entirety of The Story of God and pair it along with a through-the-Bible reading plan that will take you through the whole year.