Jesus-Formed Community on Mission


Weekly eBulletin

Take a look at this week's e-Bulletin below for details on Sunday's gathering, this week's highlights, what's happening throughout the month, and ways to partner with us in our vision to pursue Jesus Renewal. 


Our weekly e-Bulletin is sent out each Saturday. You can sign up to receive it directly to your inbox each week at


New Here?

If you are new to the CCCM community or curious about who we are and how you can get connected, fill out our Connect Card below. When you visit CCCM for the first time, meet our team at the Connect Kiosk for a special gift. 


>> Connect Card 


We’d also love to invite you to our Newcomer's Lunch on Sunday, September 8, at 1 PM.

You’ll have the opportunity to connect with some of our pastors, meet new friends, and learn about CCCM all over a delicious lunch. This is a free event, but please register here so we can know how many to expect! 



There are two different mobile apps that will be helpful for your discipleship, growth, and connection at CCCM. 

  • CCCM App: Our church app has Sunday sermon notes, reading plan, home group study guides, teaching archives, and more! 
  • The Church Center App: Kids' Church Check-in, Wednesday course materials, and regstration for groups and events can be found through the Church Center App


>> Download CCCM App Now

>> Download Church Center App Now

SundayMap JPEG

Sundays on Campus

We gather at 8:30 AM and 11 AM in the Main Sanctuary for teaching, worship, and fellowship. 


High School Ministry meets in the Fellowship Hall off of the Courtyard at 11 AM. Jr. High Ministry meets on the second story of the Jr. High Building off of the Terrace at 8:30 + 11 AM. 


Kids Church classrooms gather by age for both 8:30 + 11 AM gatherings, with check-in stations in the Courtyard.
Preregister your family here.


Limitless, our class for kids with special needs, meets at 11 AM in Room 1 off of the Courtyard. The adult group, Abundant Life, meets at 11 AM in the Drama Room. 


Our Spanish Ministry meets at 9 AM and 11 AM in the KWVE Building (3000 W. MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92704).


Language Translation

We are able to offer live language translations of our 8:30 + 11 AM Sunday gatherings through Wordly AI translation services. These translations are available in over 50 languages, including Spanish (Español), Japanese (日本語), Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt), Persian (فارسی'), Arabic (العربية), Chinese (普通话), Korean (한국어), Taglog and beyond. To get started, simply tap here with headphones connected.


Please Note: These translation services are automated and have been tested for accuracy; however, they may not always capture the nuances, context, or theological intentions of the original teachings. 


Beyond Sundays

Engage with these weekly rhythms to deepen the work of God in your life.

1. STUDY SCRIPTURE: Read individually and corporately on Sundays at 8:30 or 11 AM to be shaped by its story.
2. HEAR IT: Gather with us on Sundays and Wednesdays as we are formed communally and individually by God's Word. 
3. DISCUSS IT: Meet within community to hold each other accountable in small groups, home groups, and with the people in your life.
4. LIVE ITS MISSION: A life of mission is formed through community and centered on Jesus. Through this process, you'll be able to live out the implications of the Scriptures in your context.


>> Sunday Setlist 



Your partnership with us in giving supports the pursuit of this Jesus Renewal by reaching, equipping, and loving people in Orange County and beyond. Offering boxes are available on campus on Sundays and in our Church Office throughout the week.


You can set up recurring giving or make a gift using the link below. For more information on giving and ways to engage, visit


“Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.

Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.”

Psalm 85:10-11