Men's Ministry



Let the Word of Christ dwell richly among you in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another (Colossians 3:16 CSB).


To be a disciple is to be Christ’s student or apprentice—one who loves and worships Christ, emulates his life, and understands and obeys his teachings. That relationship to Jesus involves both a personal and community experience of the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.


The Men’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel is where the personal and community components of discipleship to Jesus combine.


Each week, we gather in the Main Sanctuary at 6:30 PM to study through a book of the Bible, a passage, a topic of Scripture, or a Christian book. Then we break into small groups in which the Holy Spirit teaches, transforms, and empowers us to live out the word of Christ through shared learning, mutual encouragement, and collective devotion and prayer. The bonus of these small-group gatherings is the formation of close, accountable, and committed friendship(s).


Meeting Calendar

Our Tuesday meetings will resume on Tuesday, September 17, with a BBQ at 5:30 PM and ministry starting at 6:30 PM.


We look forward to meeting you, serving you, and growing with you! 



Pastor Brian Brodersen and Pastor Richard Cimino 


Small Group Leaders 

Stephen Allgood (Men's Ministry coordinator)

Rick Cragg

Mike Erickson

Mike Gonzales

Tom Landis

Emmett Montis

Art Pena

Rob Sabino

Paul Sobolew


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Richard Cimino
Contact me at for information on Men's Ministry and Worship.
Brian Brodersen


Address: 3800 S. Fairview St., Santa Ana, CA 92704

Phone: (714) 979-4422