

15 Jun 2016
Revelation: The Big Picture
Brian Brodersen
12 Jun 2016
COME! - God's Invitations
Revelation ends with an invitation by God to “Come,” as He is the one who satisfies. The whole Bible centers on Jesus and God’s plan to redeem all humanity out...
8 Jun 2016
Revelation 22
Brian Brodersen
5 Jun 2016
God Is With Us
“‘Behold, I make all things new.’” –Revelation 21:5. Jesus will create a new heaven and a new earth, erasing all pain, sin and death. As believers, we look forward to...
1 Jun 2016
Revelation 21
Brian Brodersen
29 May 2016
The Final Judgment
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 says, “…Fear God and keep His commandments. For this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.”...
25 May 2016
Revelation 19-20
Brian Brodersen
22 May 2016
The Reign of Christ
It is often said that history repeats itself. There have been empires and kingdoms rise, fall and repeat over the course of time. It poignantly displays the human condition of...
1 May 2016
The Return of the King
We face a world that worships humanity like a god, and many rulers of this world boast of their invincibility and strength. Yet in Revelation 19, Jesus reveals His return...
24 Apr 2016
Babylon Has Fallen
In Revelation 17:1-6, we read the image of a woman sitting on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns, describing how the world will fall. The Book of...
17 Apr 2016
The Wrath of the Lamb
The wrath of God: It is both a truth that humanity cannot escape and a truth humanity seeks to obliterate through humanistic and atheistic ideals. Isaiah 45:21 says, “…And there...
17 Apr 2016
Revelation 17-18
Brian Brodersen
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